
Labrador Innu


Bibliography of Innu articles and books

It's Like the Legend: Innu Women's Voices, edited by Nympha Byrne and Camille Fouillard

Giant’s Dream: A Healing Journey through Nitassinan by Nikashant Antane

Where the Pavement Ends by Marie Wadden

Nitassinan: The Innu Struggle to Reclaim their Homeland by Marie Wadden

Canada’s Tibet: The Killing of the Innu by Colin Samson et al.

A Way of Life That Does Not Exist: Canada and the Extinguishment of the Innu by Colin Samson

Mishta Pinamen: Philomène la formidable! Existence Pathétique d’une Indienne Montagnaise by Fr. M. Mongeau

Mushuau Innu (Natuashish)


Walk With My Shadow by George Gregoire

I Dreamed the Animals Kaniuekutat: The Life of an Innu Hunter by Georg Henriksen

Gathering Voices: Finding Strength to Help Our Children by Camille Fouillard

Hunters in the Barrens: The Naskapi on the Edge of the White Man’s World by Georg Henriksen

Traditional Life (Cree)


Bringing Home Animals (2nd Edition) : Mistissini Hunters of Northern Quebec by Adrian Tanner

Young Readers


Tents in the Wilderness: The Story of a Labrador Innu Boy by Julius Lips